Sunday, December 6, 2015

Financial Opportunities for Small Businesses

Most businesses need financial opportunity assistance to help with expenses and startup cost when starting a business. Guy Kawasaki, the chief evangelist of Canva and brand ambassador for Mercedes Benz USA, stated about 30 million businesses are funded each year and about 3,000 businesses get funded in venture capital, but this decision to fund is made within the first 5, 10, or 15 seconds of the presentation. With this number of businesses receiving financial funding, a startup business must be aware where to obtain funding. One way to take advantage of such financial opportunities is through the National Community Investment Fund (NCIF). The NCIF is the largest investor with investments in 15% of all certified CDFI Banks, has $228 million of assets under management, and has $206 million in New Markets Tax Credit allocations.
Another way to receive funding is through the U.S. Economic Development Administration (EDA). The mission of the EDA is to promote innovation and competitiveness while preparing American regions for growth internationally. The economic regional office structure of the EDA consists of Seattle, Denver, Austin, Chicago, Atlanta, and Philadelphia. This federal government agency focus is on economic development and works with local economic development offices to make grant investments for an economic development strategy for eligible businesses.
In order to receive funding from the NCIF and/or the EDA, there are some requirements of a business applying for funding. Some of the qualifications of the NCIF to fund a business include:
·         Having effective organizational leadership
·         Showing substantial commitment to business in under served communities
·         Creating a strong financial and social returns expectation for all stakeholders and investors
·         Creating an expectation of providing liquidity within a reasonable time period, and
·         Aligning with NCIF’s mission and willing to work as mutual reinforcing partner.
1.      Collaborative Regional Innovation
2.      Public/Private Partnerships
3.      National Strategic Priorities
4.      Global Competitiveness
5.      Environmentally-Sustainable Development, and
6.      Economically Distressed and Under Served Communities.

Other types of information available include 24 participating institutions, research and industry data information, case studies, and tools for economic development. The advantage to meeting these qualifications helps a business not only to service in the United States, but also globally. The disadvantage would involve a small business who did not envision expanding beyond the United States and have to restructure or seek funding from another source.